Does the latest version of the MMPDS include HSLA-80 steel? I only have access to the first edition, but could push management for the second if I need to.
I started playing with the formula to see if it could be simplified, and I notice a problem with your if-statements. In your third if-statement, do you mean "$B$4>=5"? I'm not sure why you have >4, since anything less than 5 will be skipped. But, if you mean >=5, the >4 will do the same thing...
Sounds like there are too many (8) statements. This was in the excel help:
"Nest no more than seven functions You can enter, or nest, no more than seven levels of functions within a function."
What regulations does the barge conform to? ABS has stability requirements for crane barges. If you are concerned about the lift, ask for a copy of their calculations.
I'd prefer metric. If I take measurements from a drawing, I usually have to do two conversions to get a consistent unit: 23'-7 13/16" = 23.65'. Any conversion can be a source of error - at my last job, a drafter converted 1'-8" to 18" which caused all sorts of problems down the road.
Is there a switch that toggles the automatic mouse rotate/pan features? I'm a new user with NE/Nastran 8.3. About a week ago, I noticed that I can no longer rotate the model, pan, etc. with my mouse without first clicking the Dyn Rotate button. Now the only button that works automatically is...