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  1. mitchell54

    Sealing sanitary manholes from the inside

    There is a product on the market that works very well. I had the same problem with older manholes in FL. I went in and evacuated the contents (water) and looked for the leaks then using a demo / hamerdrill (don't go cheap get a good one)drilled a 3/4" hole and injected the product. Within...
  2. mitchell54

    Iron Content in Ground Water

    Cosimo, bmir is on track....I have fought this battle and found that chemicals can work but also try to eliminate any points in the system where air can enter in. I had a real problem with a couple of monitoring wells and by simply installing new concrete pads around the wells and adding new...
  3. mitchell54

    PVC vs HDPE- buried under slab

    GA, I am in agreement with TerraSouth. PVC is the way to go, keep in mind that you are designing a pathway for methane migration, with appropriate cover 4" PVC will do just fine. I have seen and used this method for air sparging units and piliot studies in which I have placed PVC under active...
  4. mitchell54

    Unit weight of Soil

    1) IF dry 2320 lbs/cu-ft If wet 2600 lbs/cu-ft 2) If dry 2500 lbs/cu-ft If wet 2700 lbs/cu-ft
  5. mitchell54

    Low pressure water filter

    Check with 3M they should have what you are looking for.
  6. mitchell54

    Poor Subgrade Road Section - Creative Ideas/ Experiences Needed!

    To add to sliderule's suggestion, double up your fabric. I have used this method in two different situations both are still in great shape. I found that it is also helpful to remove about 2' of the "bad Material" and replacing it with a good clay, then your geofabric, and then sub-base and...
  7. mitchell54

    Chemical oxidation with Jet injection

    http://www.bioxtech.com/ I am sure there are others, but this particular mix is proprietary and wroks rather well in most cases.
  8. mitchell54

    Chemical oxidation with Jet injection

    Yes this is very possible....I have seen it. By using a high pressure probe (1/2" in dia.)the injected oxidant slurry can be hand pushed down to about 12 feet through a rather hard clay material. I will get a contact with a Company that provides this service and send you a link.....
  9. mitchell54

    rear lot drainage (swales anyone?)

    Gentlemen, I just finished helping my father with this exact problem. This is a huge legal issue not doubt. Unfortuneatley while you fight this battle with the developer and city engineers years may pass along with thousands of headaches, man hours, and time (which as we all know time is...
  10. mitchell54

    Septic Tank Additives

    I have done the rid-ex thing as well on a rental and I know for a fact that the people renting aren't follwing Cosimo's guidelines....which any sensible homeowner should follow. So far so good, I really haven't had problems. If it is a pyschological thing I am not looking for therapy to fix...
  11. mitchell54

    Compaction Rollers - sheeps foot

    dfreise, Sheepsfoot compactors (pegs) are mainly used for tying in clay layers together...for instance when you are building a liner cap for a landfill and you need to place clay in lifts, inorder to tie the layers together you use a sheepsfoot. I have mainly seen these pulled behind a large...
  12. mitchell54

    PT Slab on Grade & Liquefaction

    http://www.building.org/profiles/98475.html Here is a web site that might help. I have heard of this technology and have yet to use it. The sites that I have constructed on have not required it. I know that these type of slabs can get a bit pricy, have you inquired about a dewatering system...
  13. mitchell54

    Permeable Reactive Treatment Wall

    http://www.prb-net.org/ I have a some knowledge of this topic, I did reasearch on this in school, I also have some field experience in the installtion. If you have more specific questions I will be able to assist. There are a ton of web sights involving these technologies. Do a web search on...
  14. mitchell54

    Plugging Sanitary Sewer Laterals (Trenchless?)

    FL21USF In dealing with sanitary sewers there are many different ways to go about it. Unless you are in need of detailed line information such as the inside integrity I wouldn't recommend TV....it can be pricey. Smoke testing works for identifying lines, it is cheap and easy...
  15. mitchell54

    Product Recovery in Monitoring Wells

    Here is a link... http://www.labsafety.com/store/product_group.asp?dept_id=31625&cat_prefix=5WA Obviously there are several other places...Grainger should have a good selection as well. Here is a good link for ideas on the types of pumps available. http://www.mgs.co.uk/remediation.html Good...
  16. mitchell54

    Product Recovery in Monitoring Wells

    How much product are you looking at removing? If there is shallow layer soakies work, but if you have a substantial amount of product you can go with several different types of recovery systems. There are pumps that follow the water level and will pump out product. In order to better help you...
  17. mitchell54

    Perched Water Table

    ctmt is right on track, local agencies are your best resource. One word of caution for you before you consider punching holes. Sometimes in the most unlikely of places there are natual springs that exist. I dealt with a land parcel that behaved like the one you have mentioned and made the...
  18. mitchell54

    Sump Pump Pit Woes

    This is not uncommon at all, I agree with the previous posts. This condition is very common to places that are built in heavy clay environments, sometimes what happens is the builder forgets to make a plug to seperate the storm water lines leading from the house to the sewer(let me clarify that...
  19. mitchell54

    Wet Basement and French Drain option

    CO2maker, If I understand corretly only a couple of gallons are infiltrating during heavy rain events. If this is correct you may want to look into sealing the cracks(you can seal entire wall if unsure of source), there are a couple of products on the market that are polymers and will do the...
  20. mitchell54

    San Fran Bay Mud

    Thanks tmctim, You put my concerns to rest, knowing that there shouldn't be signficant change in my elevations.