In running a magneto-structural analysis, you can flag a magnetic object for force/torque calculations due to the magentic effects. I'm running this in Ansys 9 if it helps.
I'm modeling a piece of iron in a gap between 2 magnets. I've meshed the iron, magnets, and air, but when I try to flag the iron for force calcs, I get an error:
"Some of the elements (Material 2 ) surrounding the part do not correspond to free space. No force boundary conditions applied for...
Woould you happen to be able to provide that data for CR and W steels? I have a reference that says that the Br for Cr steels is ~10 kilogauss = 1 T which seems to be of the right order, but what about the permeability and coercivity?
Hi and thanks for trying to help. I looked at the link you gave me and I don't understand how I could make a reaosnable guess from that information. It's not to scale and no pitch orientation info is given. By the way, the data I seek is for the Delta II 7320-10C. I also have the Payload...
Yep, I'm stuck with 440C (Q&T @ 600 deg. F) and want to know what properties it has (ballpark).
I tried to contact cartech and they said that they wouldn't know because it usually doesn't come up in typical applications of 440C and that the info should be in the public domain. However, I...
I need the magnetic permeability, residual induction (Br), coercivity (Hc), and saturation magnetization. If anyone can help, that would be swell. Thanks.
Well, I tried to contact the 2 suppliers listed above and haven't heard from them yet. I wonder if there is another type of SS with similar known magnetic properties. Anybody know??[ponder]
> it does not seem to be taken into account by Ansys during the solution.
I had the same problem at first. I think you need to select the contact elements prior to running the solution. Try clicking "select everything" from the pulldown menu or issue the ALLSEL command. This solved my problem.
Hi. After getting used to the Ansys language a little bit, I've come to prefer writing input files rather than using the interactive GUI. With that being said, I have some questions about how to model the contact pairs for a 2-D axisymmetric press fit of a flywheel on a shaft using /prep7...
Thanks for the reply. I did manage to figure it out from the help file before coming back here.
My next pressing question is probably just as simple. What is the /prep7 command for applying a symmetry b.c. on lines, if any? I looked in the help files and couldn't find it in the prep7...
Hi. I am totally new to Ansys and I need some help with inputting some Prep7 commands into an input file, so this thread is going to be full of questions (not all at once though). My first question is how to use AATT to assign material attributes to areas. I have 2 rectangular areas, 2...