We have Deltek now (but we're ~30 ppl). We used Excel up to when we were ~15 people. It's free (assuming you use excel) and if you are good with named ranges, vlookups etc, it's amazing how much you can automate the process.
For 2 people, I won't suggest buying unnecessary software.
Being Canadian working in Ontario, I'm following this. I'm not surprised this type of stuff happens, what amazes me is that senior guys are still not really feeling any heat. Most of the politicians who got kick-backs don't seem to really experiencing any discomfort.
The description isn't entirely clear to me but if the two rooms are adjacent, and share the same floor, then almost all the energy is likely from the floor.
I did a project a while back with a similar setup. Gym in condo on ground floor and 2 bays over were guest suites. Testing was showing...
I work in the field as a consultant, based out of Toronto, Canada. There are numerous consulting engineering firms in North America that do this type of work.
Do a search for:
Institute of Noise Control Engineering and Acoustic Society of America (INCE & ASA) for US info & companies.
Bruel & Kjaer used to offer courses. You'll have to check their website to see what's available.
Also, via either ASA or INCE, you'll find many of the universities offer one-off courses. I know Penn definitely has these courses available.
psh, when else do you get the opportunity to talk about yourself for a while and not have other roll their eyes or think you are an arrogant a$$?
Quite honestly, "me" is the topic I know better than anyone or anything else so yeah, I love talking about that topic :)
40% in general, but digging down:
it's about 80% with return clients,
30% with people cold calling us from ads
about 40% with people calling due to a reference
We also actively choose what to bid on i.e. for the most part we don't waste time on government jobs.
From a guy who works on both design & post-installation issues, it's surprising how many times the specs do NOT pertain to the operation.
Your job is definitely NOT to turn a blind eye and pass things. If you feel the spec is too tight, pass your comments up/across the chain, with all your...
Seems that it's not a clear cut situation. I do intend to submit an abstract and have it accepted, and deal with the issue of whether to present or not, if/when I start a new job.
Regarding the issue of getting Company A's permission, I'll be moving to a competitor and, based on history of...
I'm looking for opinions on my situation.
I currently work for Company A.
There are a few professional conferences that have abstract submission deadlines in the next few weeks. I have some ideas that I'd like to present a paper on. The basis of the paper(s) will be from work done while...
Here's the sad part - now that you've experienced this, you're upset. In a few years when you are now a manager and have "converted", you'll likely do the same thing and not think twice.
Thanks for the feedback, they echo what I feel.
To answer some questions:
1) We weren't involved in the original issue whatsoever
2) Determining if the project is "successful" is pretty straight-forward as we've already specified a quantitative test to determine this.
The client is also more...
I work as a consultant engineer. Our client has a problem with their building and we have proposed a solution. Detailed design & engineering will cost about $200K. The client wants a financial and letter guarantee i.e. that our solution will be effective or we don't get paid (either at all, or...
Was a member of TM for almost a yr. It was very good. My public speaking (in my opinion) was quite good but this really helped take it up a notch. You get honest, valuable feedback (which almost never occurs otherwise). And, for people who have no concept of how to prepare a speech to fit in a...
I'm not familiar with the UK (as I'm based in Canada) but, here, there are a lot of companies who do this at very reasonable prices (sub-$1000).
I have to imagine that seeing if there are companies that do this will be more cost effective that trying to buy a meter, learn to use it and...
For what it's worth, I think it's a good goal to start your own company. Too many engineers have that as a goal but then put limitations of "Once I have more experience" or "Once I've lined up enough clients" etc. etc.
And before long, 40s have come and it's too risky to go on your own.
My only "review feedback" is the resignation letter. Usually that tells them what I thought.
Find me a review that's objective, quantitative and not in some way tied to remuneration and I'll go work for free for that company.
You are asking about a few differen things.
First, you need to know the natural frequency of the system. Then, to avoid a problem, the forcing frequency should be at least 3 times less than the natural frequency.
If the forcing frequency is too close to the natural frequency, you can get a...
Not to derail this but this leads me to another question.
If Engineer A worked on a project while at Company A, and engineer A leaves the company to join Company B.
1) Can Company A still advertise that they are responsible for the project?
2) Can Engineer A advertise that he/she worked on...