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  1. cadman98

    SW & AutoDesk "Vault" integration

    Our company utilizes AutoCad, but also SW. Plan is to utilize AutoDesk Vault program for a drawing control system. Has anyone had any experience with this kind of setup? Pros/Cons? Any experience with Vault itself - pro/con? Thanks
  2. cadman98

    Learning Solidworks

    Will just add my $0.02 worth. Agree with what has been said about learning. You learn more by jumping in and concentrating on using SW exclusively. Going back & forth between AutoCRUD & SW gets confusing. Classes are OK, classes at local community college are good to force you to take the time...
  3. cadman98


    Is there a way to pick more than one toolbar at a time without the list of choices disappearing? Everytime you go to the "view" - "toolbars" selection & then choose a toolbar to display, bang, you're kicked right back out. I would like to be able to choose 2 or more at a...
  4. cadman98


    Thanks for all your help! It helps a lot to have "view, sketch's" turned on. Sometimes I amaze myself!! not for the best either. On the other hand, it's nice to have everybody's help. Thanks much.
  5. cadman98


    Using SW 2001+ SP1.2 Have created lofts many times, and I understand what your'all a sayin, but .... 1. I have not created the cut loft yet, all I have done is created 2 sketches which are very similar to each other, they are on individual, parallel planes. 2. But for some reason, no doubt my...
  6. cadman98


    Yes, that is normally true, but for some reason, my sketches are not accesible except from the history tree. Therefore I am left with no option except picking them from the history tree, which is assigning "its" pick point. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks
  7. cadman98


    Help! I am trying to create a "cut loft". I have created my starting sketch & end sketch. When I go to create the loft cut, SW picks the points and I cannot, for love nor money figure out how to change the choosen points. I read the help file, and it just says to choose the sketch...
  8. cadman98

    Drawing numbering system

    This is an interesting discussion! We have been debating many of these same issues also. We decided to go with a numbering scheme which has no intelligence associated with it. Why? Because sooner or later, they all fail. My 2 cents worth: You really are pointing up the need for a PDM system...
  9. cadman98

    Printing drawings

    I have different sheet sizes based upon the size of part I am creating. I try to keep an assembly's drawings together. Hence, some parts are small, & some are large. So, I try to put them on appropriate sheet size for tool room. I guess I could group sheet sizes together so it wouldn't take so...
  10. cadman98

    Printing drawings

    How do you print individual drawings to different printers? Example: Sheets 1, 5, & 7 are "D" size drawings you wish to send to the plotter. Sheets 2 - 4 are "A" size you wish to send to a laser printer, and sheets 6, 8 & 9 are "B" size you wish to send to the same...