I recently did a foundation design that was bearing on shallow bedrock. The contractor requested a revision to the footings to avoid excavating large amounts of rock and I ended up using rock anchors. I went through William's engineering that specialized in anchoring systems. Their website it...
I agree, I don't think they are goign to be able to go to angles all over and get rid of the outriggers if they plan on being able to cover such a large span. With the portal frame, I assume you are meaning to include larger members for the side and bottom, since it has to be open on top. Use...
This is primarily used to transport the grain along the conveyor. In addition, there will be live load from workers, wind load, snow loads, seismic loads for central Illinois, thermal forces from the bins on either side as well as the conveyor, any forces that may be exerted on the...
They currently use outriggers to support the upper chord but hoped to get rid of them as part of the refining process. In addition, they want to use all angles since they have an abundance of them. This would rule out the use of a wide flange but there is the posibility of combining the...
Sorry, I failed to state that it is a steel truss, approximately 4ft deep and 5.5ft wide open space between the railings. Hope this helps with the mental picture a little more.
I am curretnly working to redesign the standard conveyor walkway used by a local fabricator. The walkways are meant to span between adjacent grain bins and will hold both a drag or belt conveyor as well as a 2ft pathway for workers. They feel that it is currently so overdesigned that it is no...
I basically sized up the connections to the gusset and the connection plate as little as possible to cover the increased stresses and increased the diagonal member thickness, so as to keep my same clearance. Reran everything and it checked out within a few percent of the allowable stress. Given...
Thanks for the help. The weld would be treated similar to the fillet in the essence that it would continue down the sides just the same. The problem with enlarging the plates is that I am dealing with relatively tight clearance requirements. You are correct that it is the weld between the member...
I realize that fillet welds are most common in lap joints. However, due to certain restrictions I need to use a groove weld in a lap joint to acquire the desired strength. My question is if this is acceptable or if I need to alter my design in another way to accomodate the decreased weld...
I am attempting to finalize a design for the pile footing of a horizontal curve plate girder bridge. My question is about the battered piles and what loads go into account for the piles. I have used the wind and wind on live load. It was originally designed over 10 years ago and has been...
This is a really good website with a variety of different design guides and information on the RBS, My thesis was on a redesign of the RBS and a portion of my research came from them.