Thanks a lot,
I'm afraid I was expecting this answer!. As I've only worked with ANSYS EMAG, I was not sure if there were other possibilities with different softwares. It's true that I have to consider the family of BH curves, because in the future I'd like to couple my problem with the thermal...
my question is about the possibility of including the hysteresis of a BH curve in a FEM analysis with ANSYS EMAG. I'm facing a problem related to induction effects, and considering the effect of hysteresis is fundamental to start with the problem.
¿Is it possible that with other software...
I'm working on magnetic simulations by means of finite element method, and I've had problems to find magnetic properties on the web.
¿Do you know any website with data for different steel grades? At this moment I'm trying to find magnetic properties (Bsat, BH loop, etc.) for AISI 1215...
That visualization is due to the WINDOW LAYOUT configuration. Try:
Utility Menu >PlotCtrls >Window Controls >Window Layout
and then for WINDOW1 --> FULL instead of SQUARE.
Of course you can also choose other window configuration (2 or more windows for example).
I hope this will help
I am attempting to perform several magnetic analyses, but I couldn't find B-H curve for 1018 steel. I have read a former thread posted on 23-Jul-04, but I couldn't find any data with the link mentioned.
Could anyone send me these data? Thank you in advance.