Is a B16.5 flange still acceptable with calculation if if there is an opening in the flange? I'm currently looking to calculating reinforcement area for the added opening and but there is insufficent bolt area - this does not seem that added opening should effect this...
* sorry, meant to say "RP seems much better written for vessels than piping" instead of "vessels and piping"
OT: I don't see any means to edit my post.
Thanks for you response.
I'm somewhat confused as API-579 does include piping and API-570 specifically refers to API-579. There is a specific requirement for piping components that minimum measured t >= 2.5mm in Table 4.4 of API579.
I agree that this requirement doesn't make sense, and the RP...
I have looked there and didn't see any applicable problem. It seems like API 579 is much better written for pressure vessels where I'm working with small pipe w/ only several RT readings. I'm trying to be conservative by using the lowest reading but it does seem like for smaller sizes w/ low...
I have a question about API 579, will pipe always fail Level 1 and 2 assessments and require a Level 3 analysis if there is a minimum thickness measurement below 2.5mm/0.1"? (Per Table 4.4)
If it's B31.3 and the supplemental loads are neglible such that you can perform a Level 1...