go to View menu > toolbars > calculator
to display the calculator toolbar
Select the expression you want to use absolute value on, then click on the absolute value symbol in the calculator toolbar. Note the matrix toolbar has a symbol that looks identical to absolute value, but is for taking...
A number of companies make passive pads that vary attenuation with temperature, for instance see below.
If you're not running M020, definitely upgrade to that. I think that fixed that problem, although it's been awhile since I've used M14, and the PTC resource center is not terribly helpful on what was fixed in each upgrade.
What version of Mathcad are you using? There was a bug similar to this I think in the early versions of MC13 or MC14 which was (eventually) fixed by an update. Verify that you have all the available updates for the version you're using.
Try right clicking on the graph and unchecking the box that says "border".
I think this is a known bug, but knowing how long it takes Mathcad to fix bugs, it probably wouldn't hurt to send them a reminder about it.
Sounds like you have a "T" on the left hand side somewhere (short for turns maybe?). This would cancel the unit tesla and make the result dimensionless.
If not, it probably would be best for you to post a worksheet.
I assume you're referring to cell D4 being 0? If so it's because there's an error in the input variables, although with 41 input variables(!!) it's difficult to see this, and it will get even worse if you ever expand the table. I would suggest deriving your table inputs using a for loop, and...
For a problem such as this it is easiest if you upload the Mathcad worksheet. The way to solve it is to make c.a(delta t) a program. If you're not familiar with how to do that in Mathcad upload the sheet and I'll show you how.
Also, unless I'm missing something c.a is not a recursive...
See if the attached is what you're looking for. The two are identical, test1 uses a program, and test2 uses a range variable. The program is more flexible, but some people prefer range variables. If this isn't what you're looking for, please describe the output you are expecting.
You can add another function below your Calc function to do this. For instance:
Results(x):= | table<-Calc(0)
| index<-table[0,2
| for i = 1;x
| newtable<-Calc(index)
| table<-augment(table,newtable)
This site has a large amount of information on rechargeable batteries and is a great place for a beginner to start.
Take a look at wire wrapped with a fiberglass braid. A number of companies make them, Radix wire is one I've used in the past.
Before you go to alumina, you should look at high performance "FR4-like" materials. The attachment has a good summary of materials in table 1 and table 2. Rogers (and others) make laminates with much tighter tolerances than FR4, but they can still be fabricated with standard FR4 processes...
This is a somewhat common problem, do a google search for "phase unwrapping". Also, if you have the signal processing toolbox, take a look at phasecor().
Or, as IRstuff said, post a worksheet.
MBITR tactical radios quote ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-1992 for shock and vibe standards. Personally I've never read that standard, but that might be a good starting point for you.
MBITR datasheet is available at
There's a bug with inline evaluation, if you have statements such as the following:
The displayed value of c will not change if you change the value of a or b (the stored value does change, so future calcs using c are correct). One way around it is not to use inline...
There are free calculators that will help you with this. I'm familiar with the tool that Rogers provides:
Once you get it running, go to:
Design Type > Microstrip > Edge Coupled
Pick your board material (you can input the board...