We make repair parts for older nuclear plants. The customer gives us a code year and addenda to work to and the materials must meet those specifications. I have gotten replies on both sides of the fence some say yes you have to use the old ones and some say no you can use the new ones. They made...
I posted this some time ago and just wanted to see if there was any new input. I have also found out that the some of the test fixture parameters have changed.
In the Summer 1979 Addeda to the 1977 ASME Code Edition the Mn requirement for E7018 filler metal was changed from 1.25% to...
Maybe I should clarify the situation. This filler metal is used for repair welding castings for replacement valves and valve parts. We do not have an ASME stamp for fabrication.
Metengr, Thanks for the prompt reply.
Our customer required that all materials used be reviewd to the original code date. I do not know of any place in Sec. III that allows you to use a newer code dated filler metal.
In the Summer 1979 Addeda to the 1977 ASME Code Edition the Mn requirement for E7018 filler metal was changed from 1.25% to 1.60% max. My question is, has there been any code cases issued to allow the use of the newer filler metal to be used on code work prior to the change. The major filler...