ok here's the newest update:
I made my network card primary and pro eng recognized it, and i also connected my internet connection directly to my laptop...but i still get the same error message
oh wait a sec....sorry i just found this
when I go ipconfig/all , ti shows both of my cards...how do I know which one is being used
first is shows my network card and then my wireless card
sorry for such silly questions but I don't know too much about computers
OK, I found that its getting hostid from my wireless card
In the registry editor that folder was named 12 and there were others, 3 and 4. So, i renamed 12 to 1, restarted my laptop and went to install it again, same error :(
I formated my computer and now i am reinstalling proEng, and at the license management screen it displays the following error:
The supplied license file is invalid, please chek for missing SERVER and/or DAEMON lines