I am looking for specifications or standards on the following asset management items.
1. Equipment functional analysis, criticality analysis, FMECA's.
2. Spares criticality analysis and stock holding levels.
According to literature the following steel:
BS 970 817M40 Condition 'T'
should have a final microstructure consisting of tempered marensite.
We have had a fatigue failure on a solid shaft and testing revealed the following:
Chemical properties all within specification
Mechanical Properties...
We have inmplemented a improved material specification based on some of the information supplied in this forum and believe this will be suffiecent as the fatigue calculations show the stresses are acceptable.
We included:
1. A high temperature normalise, not done previously
2. A...
Does anyone have any reference to what stress concentration factor (Kt) I can apply to a taper locking element fitted to a solid shaft? I need actual values not assumptions please if that is possible.
Does anyone have any reference to what stress concentration factor (Kt) I can apply to a taper locking element fitted to a solid shaft? I need actual values not assumptions please if that is possible.
Thanks for all the input guys.
With steam distillation would I just put the material in some water bring it to the boil and collect the vapour. Then seperate the oil from the water?
Is it that simple?
I would like to know how to extract oils from organic material. I would like to set up a little system at home where I would be able to extract oils from leaves, flowers, etc...
I would appreciate some ideas on what process would be involved.
Why not use a beam spring? The theory is easily available and it would be doing what it is designed for, as opposed to using a coil spring as a cantilever.
In the valve industry there are a lot of worm boxes used. The ones I have seen have brass or cast iron worms and BS 970 709M40 for the worms. The 709M40 is hardened and tempered. It is a very common material.
It is said that misallignemt can cause 5-10% power loss, or so I have heard.
Ensure your machine and drive are correctly alligned. Have a look at Rexnords 'Magnalink' it is a noncontact coupling that transmits the torque via magnetic force.
The best solution is to make sure your machine and drive are correctly alligned then you will have minimal coupling wear.
Have you seen the new magnetic type of couplings. There is no physical contact at all, all the power is transmitted via magnetic force. They are supplied by Rexnord and are...
The smalles adjustment I think will be obtained useing RH-LH threads. The threads must be of a different pitch, for example.
RH - 2mm pitch
LH - 1mm pitch
One rotation will result in the RH screw going out 2mm and the LH screw going in 1mm resulting in a total movement of 1mm. By...
Check with the gearbox manufacturer what noise level is normal. If yours is abnormal why not do some vibration analysis and phase analyis to pinpoint any possible problems.
Why dont you machine a nut out of nylon or some other plastic (or even brass) cut it in half down the axis. Hold the half nut agains the threaded rod with some sort of spring mechanisim. As the dirt gets to the nut it will run up agains the axial face. Make it a few threads long so it...
Is there a web site where I can cross reference material specifications:
e.g.: If I enter werkstoff no. 1.7225 I can get a list of all the possible equivalents.