I'm trying to mix a solution of sodium hydroxide flakes in water, to achieve a concentration of about 5%. Can I verify this concentration by a hydrometer, pH or is there a titration I can use?
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks
Another good source for info on burnouts are manufactures of oxygen probes, they can suggest procedures to burn out the furnace as well as the probes. Care needs to be taken in controlling the amount of air introducded for burn out, overheating can occur.
For those alloys, typically double tempering does not offer much advantage. One potential advantage might be if the application would expose the chain to elevated temperatures. Double tempering will aid in improving stability, but again not common for the 4XXX series alloys.
I black oxide treat a casting made of 8620 steel. Periodically, the parts exhibit a redish color. I've been told that it is most likely cause by an interaction between the black oxide salts and the silicon content in the material. I've verified the silicon content is it's only about 0.3 wt%...
I sometimes get cloudy finishes on parts I run after I change my black oxide tank. Is there an activation or start up procedure I should go through with a new soltuion? After I run it for a few days it looks great. Any information would be appreciated.