I would like to have a field output that lists the material property (say elastic modulus) at each element.
I want to do this for few reasons:
1. I am mapping the material properties on the mesh from externally, and modifying the input file. Now, I want to visualize this showing the variation...
I have a query related to comparing the ABAQUS results.
While viewing results, in the results options, by default the option is : "Compute Scalars before averaging" and the averaging threshold is set at 75%.
Second option is "compute scalars after averaging".
I can see the variation between...
HI Msha
I created this macro by recording the procedure in ABAQUS, and when I want to use it I have to edit the filenames.
And, all the commands are in one straight line.
I want to know, where the appropriate breaks are, or a suitable (free) editor of the macro. So for example..
123 4567...
I do not understand your question, it is not a dynamic simulation.
I do not know how to break the macro into separate lines without causing any problems.
I have marco recording as attached, and I would like to improve the style, so that I can write the macros without running one and editing them.
I know there is a method in ABAQUS itself to simulate fatigue study, probably using a sub routine. I have never done it myself. So cannot exactly help.
I want to know, If someone could tell what kind of ANSYS product I am using, like ANSYS Mechanical, ANSYS Structrual, ANSYS Professional?
And I guess its an academic licencse.
Also, if someone could tell, how many nodes and elements restriction, I may have?
I have the following details:
I am about to start using ABACUS, but have been using ANSYS for last 4 years.
I want to know if there is anything similar to APDL (ANSYS Programming Language) in ABACUS. Also which languages are used for modelling in ABACUS alternate to GUI.
Thanks and Regards