I am not sure if I understand your question clearly. But I suggest you try to deactive tie-interaction in the second step. Say, you construct a tie interaction in the first step, it will automaticallu propagate to next step, but you can make it deactive.
Thanks a lot, Brep. But that will bring up one question. If an analytican rigid surface is tied to model surface which is deformable, will it cause deformation incompatibility?
I was wondering if someone knows how to apply a moving pressure loading to part of model surface. Can I apply to certain number of elements at one time at one location and then shift to next location? Thanks.
I am doing dynamic viscoelastic analysis. I have been seeing there are two steps, which are confusing:
1. General->Dynamic, implicit (or explicit)
2. Visco
I have tried both steps separately and found there was NO any difference in terms of strain response. Am I right?
Hi, I am doing viscoelastic analysis for highway pavement. This is my first time using Abaqus to do such kind analysis. I was in trouble in inputing some of viscoelastic parameters. I hope someone on this topic may help me out.
The testing data describing viscoelasticity is relaxation moduli...
Thanks, corus. It works.
But for single axle with dual tires (non-equal loading area), it makes model building and meshing much more time-consuming.
Also, I was wondering if you happen to know how to apply non-reflective boundary conditions for dynamic analysis.
Thank you again.
Hi, I am analyzing 3D pavement dynamic response using abaqus. One trouble came up during model meshing. On pavement surface, partition has to be made for applying traffic loading. However, after surface is partitioned, it is not allowed to mesh model with structured brick element(Hexehedron). Is...
I was wondering if someone out there ever used Fatigue Module of ANSYS. I do not have this module rigth now.
I am going to predict fatigue life of asphalt concrete considering viscoelastic property. Is the viscoelasticity property available in Fatigue Module? Thanks a lot.