Have now calculated few things and stuck at calculation of overall heat transfer coefficient. Can anyone advise on overall heat transfer coefficient for this jacketted tank?
Cooling water flow rate is 4000 l/hr. Content to be cooled can be assumed as water too, agitated with 150 mm dia turbine...
Can anyone let me have typical sea water analysis of sea water of pacific or atlantic sea, preferably in northern hemisphere (values of each salt in mg/l i.e. ppm)?
Can anyone help me with cooling jacket design for an atomspheric agitated tank?
Tank size: 46"(dia)x96" height
capacity: 2500 liters
Material of construction: SS316
Shell thickness: 8mm
Tank content: 2000 liters of dilute NaOH solution (0.05 kg/cubic meter)at 80 deg C
Tank agitated by turbine...