Dear all,
Where could i find books and information of how to use VBA with CATIA? For example, what is the hierarchy layout in CATIA? Where can I find tutorials?
Having used VBA with excel, i would like now to expand to CATIA.
Thanks in advance.
After searching quite a bit around the properties, i managed to find the answer.
Under properties, value, in the bottom under description, we change from NUM,DIMM to mm
When showing a dimension to two decimal places in my case, it doesn't show ".40". It shows ".4". How can i make the trailling zero show in the dimension?
Thanks in advance
I understand that the crack growth within the matrix can be estimated. What seems hard to estimate is once it reaches the fibre, does it change direction along the fiber (delaminating it) or does it stop there temporarily creating a stress concentration point. Do we have fracture mechanics...
Could anyone tell me where can i find the latest information on analysis of crack propagation for composites? From my understanding, we still over design the composite components in aircraft due to not have complete confidence in the analysis tools for crack growth in composite material...
I am new to CATIA V5 after spending 5 years in Solidworks.
I want to creat a curve by importing an excel sheet or text file with the NACA coordinates. How do I do this?
Any hints will help the cause.