NSCS calls "permitted deviation" = Δ, and so
a) Δ = (Δ/2) + (Δ/2) according to NSCS and Δ = (+Δ/2)-(-Δ/2) accroding to EN 13670 <- correct!
b) Δ ≠ (Δ) + (Δ) <- wrong!
Thanks BigInch. Here is what exactly the code says:
NSCS Guidance, 10.1: "the permitted deviation are generally twice the deviation, as the values are given as both plus and minus numbers, except where separate plus or minus values are given"
EN 13670, 3.13: defines permitted deviation as...
NSCS Guidance, 10.1 states that the permitted deviation (Δ) are generally twice the deviation, as the values are given as both plus and minus numbers, except where separate plus or minus values are given.
EN 13670, 3.13 deifines permitted deviation (Δ) as the permitted algebraic differences...
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Thanks Brian,
All the while I was thinking that I can use frictionless contact on my bolt heads since I have contacts at the shanks. It now works without contacts on the shanks but "Frictional" on the heads and nuts.
That's a great help. Cheers
One part is grounded and I thought it is possible just to rely on the bolts' contact, underneath their heads and around thier shanks, for the stability of the connected parts.
Thanks a lot
Does this work in WB?
All I just need from you guys is to tell me whether I am doing nonsense here or if otherwise—I just need to learn how to do it.
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The same question has been raised by Sutki1 (thread555-173004)six months ago. Any Developements since then?
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