Thank you coloeng,
I agree with you fully but before meeting with the client and the design team, I was looking for a second opinions and better judgment. I'm just a junior engineer. Thank you though for your appreciated follow up.
There are no branch connections just a transmission line from...
Since there are no general standards for large diameter pressure pipelines. I was wondering what would be a good rule of thumb to use for minimum valve distance for a transmission line of let's say 72 inch RWM PCCP? Also, what minimum distance would you use for access entry points; some call...
I did almost the same ADA ramp and have the CAD drawings in the office somewhere. The firm I was with did the same thing, they took on a structural job when no one there was qaulified in structures. Lucking my friend (Structural Eng.) was willing to help me a lot.
BTW: I'm no longer with that...
I don't know what to say? I hope just a thank you will do. With one semester of concrete, that I don't even remember, I was stuck. You've helped me out here "Tremendously". All of you. I've been put in a bad place and expected to get out with out any guidance. Engineering? I don't know...
I envisioned the retaing wall matching top elevation or exstending by a couple of inches.(being rectangular) Then having the ramp start from elev. 15' to 12' 8" (five foot landing), then ramp from 12'8" to 10'4" (five foot landing) then ramp from 10'4" to existing 9'. Then on both sides have...
Wow, I wouldn't of thought but I sure did hope for some kind of help. That was really helpful and calcs/design for that idea are easier and make better sense. To be honest, that was my first idea. To just cut a triangle out of the side of the hill and lay the ramp down. But my PE didn't like it...
I started this another thread but a friend thought it belonged more over here. Hopefully I can continue the great help I've been getting.
Other Thread:
At this point I don't know how to structuraly connect the retaining wall to the ADA...
Thanks guys and that's difinetly a start. "Mesa block" is a idea to hold the foundation in.
I think one of my challenges is that I live in South Florida, which is pretty much flat. Retaining walls, ADA switchback is not a common thing around here. :-)
I'm getting along pretty good in the...
Here's on for you that will probably be more implemented as everything has to be ADA accessible.
I have to design a ADA switchback ramp with the following guidelines
Three rises in all (2) 28 ft ramps that are apart of the switchback and a 15 ft ramp leading from the switchback to...