Most jurisdictions have a drainage manual that aids design. For example one jurisdiction I do work in requires that the spread be less than 1/2 the roadway width on a public road. The formulas are in the manual and a spreadsheet can be created to streamline the design process. My advice is...
My experience has been to address WQv before it enters the detention pond, or I account for it partially in the sediment forebay while the remainder is accounted for in my detention volume.
I'd suggest that you get someone to revise the English version of your website for certain translation issues. Otherwise, it looks like great products with nice features.
First of all. I don't like the idea, but my state isn't accepting any creative BMP's such as Stormfilters/Baysavers, etc.
The area to treat is a marina. The only BMP acceptable at this time is infiltration. Water table is high, (of course).
The P.O.A. is to capture the first 1.5" runoff and...
At first glance I think that the macro was written to set your active depth to what your Z value should be, then flatten your selection to that view.
Here's some reference material that may be helpful.
This is the one and only thing that I prefer autocad for. My old company had programmers write a "fix Z" macro for just this. I'll do some research and see if it's available somewhere.
With a flow that insignificant, you may be able to use an inlet as detention with a weir/flow splitter. Use an underdrain to drawdown and infiltrate the volume of storage needed.
I think the question is "what do I do if the water table is too high at my pond location to allow enough dry storage?" Then the answer is, "time to raise the site."
A little concrete should make some great swimming pools with high dives. In several years we may have some olympic athletes thanking the government for not filling in the holes.
I'm looking for a tool to label my high and low points for each vertical alignment in my plan view, not profile view.
Any tips are greatly appreciated.
I'm using the QuickCalc function inside the Properties pull out tab after selecting a closed polyline to factor square footage into acreage.
However about half of the time I receive an error stating, "Error:Numeric Overflow". I then delete what I had previously typed with my number pad...
Maryland was one of the first to implement Bioretention BMP's.
You can download their Stormwater manual at