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  1. slam00000

    Soil Creep

    In classical geotechnical books Creep is explained under "Secondary Consolidation" . So look under these keyword
  2. slam00000

    Inputs used for Deformation Total stress analysis

    Classical slope stability analysis includes both: Effective Stress analysis (ESA) for obtaining FOS for long run and Total Stress analysis (TSA) for obtaining FOS for short run. For TSA I use undrained strength parameters obtained from CU triaxial test. When performing TSA (one phase analysis) I...
  3. slam00000

    Most important output of pore pressure-deformation analyses

    Dear Dirtguy4587 and dgillette My foundation soil is highly overconsolidated clay (very stiff) with very low permeability. The shell (embankment dykes) is compacted dense materials. Its upstream portion rest on the loose beached tailings materials. I have analyzed two systems 1-Gold ( its...
  4. slam00000

    Most important output of pore pressure-deformation analyses

    Hello dgillette and all Quick question I forget to ask about: I do not know why most of the stability and consolidation analyses talk about excess pore pressure rather than the total pore pressure. high structures such as tailings dams containing slurries with huge water content, the pressure...
  5. slam00000

    Prescribing a field and its flux on the same surface !

    In the same analysis step I have a surfec on which the temperature is prescribed as a BC , on the same surface I applied loading : heat flux. I expected the job to be aborted as two fields that are cojugate are applied on the same surface, but the job continued running. How that could happen...
  6. slam00000

    Raifall events

    Hello all Dear DMcGrath I need the infilitration as I want to examine how far the phreatic surface level will be influenced by the rainfull event so if the extreme rainfall event is 100 mm/day I am applying it fully as a flow on the surface of the slop neglecting the evaboration oth the...
  7. slam00000

    Raifall events

    I want to test my slope model sensitivity to a hypothetical extreme rainfall event. Is an extreme precipitation event represented by a daily rain amount of 50 mm over 3 consecutive days realistic in Canada and /or the US regions. Please refer me to a refernce (if possible). Environment Canada...
  8. slam00000

    Extreme precipitation

    I have developed a model for simulating the hydromechanical behavior of landslide . I assume a hypothetical landslide and I want to test my model sensitivity to a hypothetical extreme rainfall event. Is an extreme precipitation event represented by a daily rain amount of 50 mm over three...
  9. slam00000

    Ralph B. Peck 1912-2008

    This is life: a short journy. His contribution to this unique field will keep him in memories for generations of engineers to come.
  10. slam00000

    About erosion mechanism

    If such settlements are anticipated in the design stage, one should modify the desigh. But if they occur during operation, how one can repair or account for them
  11. slam00000

    Assessing the total settlement from the settlement profile

    Your advanced analysis shows that all points of the soil under your foundation will settle and non uniform settlement curve is observed ; say look like a half or quarter circular shape (depending on the load of the foundation). How the total settlement usually assessed: Do you take an average...
  12. slam00000

    About erosion mechanism

    -I am talking about a tailings dam rather than embankment dam: such dam, which retains loose tailings behind with upstream portion commonly resting on such tailings and built from sand, experiences differential settlement of 1.5 m along its base ( 60 m ). -I do not know really the consequence...
  13. slam00000

    About erosion mechanism

    Is this the right erosion mechanism explination ? Please advise: The differential settlement along the base of a highly compacted sand dam will result in a vertical crack breaking up the dam. If the internal compressive stress is not high enough to squeeze the crack shut, it will remain open...
  14. slam00000

    Operations on a created field output

    Thank you very much
  15. slam00000

    Most important output of pore pressure-deformation analyses

    Thanks for that I just report the Horizontal permeability which is in cases (beach and slimes), which I assumed it to be 10 times higher than the corresponding vertical permeability. Also my permeabilities are im m/sec. The results of vertical permeability I got from literature. a tailings dam...
  16. slam00000

    Most important output of pore pressure-deformation analyses

    PLease see the attachment. Does it make sense to you.. any comment..?http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=44fa98ba-9804-4d4e-b667-647b379ad787&file=Phreatic_surface.doc
  17. slam00000

    Most important output of pore pressure-deformation analyses

    Yes you understood it. My first attachment above in this thread shows indeed that I have three zones (plesae visit it again) 1-Dykes forming the shell 2-Beach zone 3-Slime zone My second system (whose K-beach is low) shows lower phreatic surface. Do you think that is because in my model K-slime...
  18. slam00000

    Most important output of pore pressure-deformation analyses

    Hello DRG I know that this discussion is terminated. You seem to have good insight about tailings dams slopes. I just want to take your opinion about a phreatic surface issue in these systems this matter: Vick (1990) stated that the permeability should decrease in the direction toward the...
  19. slam00000

    Shear strength of Clayey soils under earthquake

    : When analyzing clayey soils under earthquake which shear strength we should use (in principle): A) Residual undrained shear strength or B) unconsolidated undrained shear strength obtained from the unconsolidated undrained traixial shear
  20. slam00000

    On obtaining the deviatoric strain in ABAQUS

    By the deviatoric strain I meant the work-conjugate of the Mises stress.(I just called deviatoric strain). It must be a scalar with my respect to your knowledge