I have installed MPICH2 and I wrote the executable path in the .env file:
mp_mpirun_path = {NATIVE:'C:\Program Files\MPICH2\mpiexec.exe'}
I obtained the following error:
Abaqus Error: The executable C:\Program
aborted with system error code 65535.
It seems that abaqus doesn't find the MPI...
I think I foud the problem!!! With the standard installation of windows XP professional x64, isn' t possible to run in MPI!! I think I have to run in MPI (in any case I want to test this opportunity...) to drastically reduce the computational time.
Now: what Have I to install to do this ???
If you have a lot of RAM, ABAQUS Standard can keep a large amount of files
in the RAM and save up to the 90 % of the computational time.
For the same Job (Abaqus Standard), running on a node with 2 CPUs, Dualcore (so 4 cores maximum)
with LINUX, I obtained the following results:
1 core: 36000...
Which analysis are you running and How many DOF do you have?
100Gb couldn't be enought.......
Are you sure Abaqus is scratching on the disk where you have 100Gb free?
Thanks to all.
My model has 2300000 dof. It is not so big, but the CPUs time mainly depends on the severe discontinuity interactions (contact solving). In the WE, I'll test the mp_mode settings like suggested by xerf.
The benchmark job downloaded from the abaqus web site are not interested, they...
Dear collegues,
I'm performing some tests on a Quad core DELL machine, with Windows 64 bit, 16Gb of RAM.
I'm running Abaqus Standard using different cores number (cpus=1, cpus=2, cpus=4). Nothing seems to change in the CPU time (1-2 % of difference....).
Has someone performed similar tests?