thanks for your replies. I have actually looked into some of your suggestions since they were posted here. A few are ery interesting and at least one is holding our interest quite well.
I am looking for a source of silicon nitride needle bearings. I have been using rollor bearings for a long time but so far have not been able to locate a supplier of needle bearings. does any one in here know of a source?
NcBlueTJ, The turbo charger is not needed. The system I seen was using 826 pounds of compressed air. The compressor generates all the air needed and is basically a super charged system.
I am involved in an R&D project and am looking for at least 15 new candidate materials in each catagory for use in a small two stroke engine. I thought it might be interesting to post this in here to see what ideas come up that we have not concidered.
The criteria for these materials are...
Look at the aprillia ditech engine. It is a direct inject 2 stroke that is high preasure air over fuel. this is how I understand it to work:
It has a small compressor that works off of a lobed crankshaft. As the piston clears the exhaust port a blast of compressed air pushes the exhaust out the...