Do you have Plantspace P&ID with is a detailed procedure ..explained in the tutorial that comes with the software. let me know if still not able to do that.
This is default behaviour of Microstation.
Example: Your have Files
Active Design File = MS1
Referenceing a File =MS2.dgn
in MS1.dgn you have set levels 1-20 off and 30-40 on and so on for the reference file MS2.dgn.
(Which means you are displaying only levels 30 -40 of MS2.dgn in MS1.dgn )...
Try this simple keyin.
" Set Coordinates on "
This will opena precision Keyin Box as it happened in
Version 4.
If you ever worked with ver 3.3 the same used to be displayed in the status bar.
The Accudraw also works but it may return relative points if you have set the...