We are having a external partner to do some radiographies for us and I am searching for a way to check if he is using the correct exposure time. The thickness is 0.5, 2, 5 for Al, cu and ss and Dustance= 540cm A=10,Kv=100 and the film is D4.
I have found the formula for time exposure but I dont...
We are about to test digital radiography with GE,
so long I have found these standards but I am worried I missing something.
More over I want to know whats the main differences in acceptance criteria
CEN standards
EN 14784-1 : Industrial CR with storage phosphor imaging plates
Part 1 ...
I'm already having GE to test computed radiography on the 29th of May.
the question now is when will I have better results, with the phosphor plates or by usings screen-film RT but with selenium 75?
Regarding film screen radiography in welds, which one of this isotopes do you believe gives the best image quality?
Most references I found support the use of selenium, but I would like to know why and in which way is it better?
Thank you all for your replies,
you have been really helpful.
I have to say that I work in Geneva,Cern and the NDT method we want to check is digital radiography.
Not ultrasonic nor eddy.
Thanks again!
I have to create on purpose very small defects (>4mm) on Al stainless steel and 304L welds (by laser welding).The reason for doing that is to check a if a new NDT system can detect them.
The thickness of the samples will be 2, 5 and 10cm.
Do you think that I will be able to creat very small...
Thanks corypad,
I thought that computed RT was the one that uses phoshor plates instead of digitalizing plates.
What about advantages and disadvatages of each technique. Is it true that digital RT cannot find cracks in chrome welds?
Hi All,
I was wondering if there are any available standards for digital radiography yet? In thread thread286-141480 someone mentioned that digital RT is currently being reviewed under a proposed ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code case. When is that expected to be ready?
I am working on a...