Ok, well I guess sense the data isn't going to be perfect I can try to extrapolate the data from the curve. It won't be perfect but it will be good enough for governemnt work!
Well I had the book Atlas Stress-Strian curves 2nd ed but it only had the curves in it and I want the data to go along with it! Something with data points!
Ok well I am looking to expand the Cosmos Works material Library to do non-linear analysis. In order to do this you need to have stress strian data for the materials you are working with (A stress strain curve).
I have been looking for this data on materials but have not much in terms of data...
I am trying to expand the material library for soildworks right. This is so when we build our components we can run a non-linear analysis on it. But in order to do this we need to get the stress strain curves for a lot of different materials. We have our own force tester to do the testing on the...