thanks for the help.....bltseattle, what do you mean by a vertical cutoff lip?
the local municipality is requesting a concrete lined overflow weir (broad-crested overflow weir) in lieu of the vertical-type weir. Has anyone had experience in a design of this type (i.e. slab thickness, rebar...
the city is looking for a weir constructed of concrete. i have a detail that shows a 6" wide, 42" deep weir.....but the total length says it should be 3 times the length of the weir opening (the detail is typically used for smaller sized weirs i.e. 5' opening). A 45' weir opening x 3 = 135'...
Does anyone know where I can find a concrete overflow structure (weir) detail for a retention pond? The local municipality is looking for something more permanent than a "grass"-type weir. My weir opening length is about 50' wide and top of bank is about 1.2' above bottom of weir elevation...
What type of structures do you typically use when connecting large storm sewer pipes (i.e. 96" diameter RCP). I'm not sure if they make manholes in that large of a diameter, would you use a Tee with riser?
I have a site (proposed daycare facility) with two to three proposed storm structures (48" catch basins) in the backyard area. The structures would be picking up 12" diameter roof drains (RCP) and surface drainage. The catchbasins would have 2-foot diameter cast iron frame and grates...