Thanks mgtrp
There is no source on the LV side.
Could you please explain the concept of a source on LV side influencing the LA selection criteria?. Also how does the backfeeding an ungrounded system affect the LA rating?.I was trying to select it on the basis of MCOV rating based on the...
Guys – Need your help in selecting right sized Lightening Arrester.
I have to select an L.A. for the Primary of a substation transformer which has delta connected Primary at 115 kV. This substation transformer 115kV, Delta-Primary/ 23kV Secondary Y-solidly grounded, is being fed by a utility...
Thanks jghrist
My software has the capability to model cables in ductbanks,Direct buried cables, cables in air etc. but does not have the capability to model trench - so I have to make assumptions based on the actual conditions.
In this case - can the cables be assumed to be in free air as there...
Hi Guys
I am calculating Cable Ampacity of 8x3C-750 MCM cables that run in free air for around 20 feet and then enter into a trench that is around 19 feet long. One end of the trench is open and the second end opens up in a cable pit. Cables occupy less than 12% of the trench area - so around...
Thanks cgrodzinski - The cables are grounded at the substation - low resistance grounding.
The EDSA model can only show concentric neutral wires - there is no means to show whether the neutrals are grounded or not.
I am working on Cable Ampacity Calcs on EDSA software. Three single phase cables are going to a transformer and three out going feeders (9 cables-single phase cables) are placed in a concrete duct bank - all cables have concentric neutral wires for return current. The cables are designed...