thanks for your advice
well i got it to work using the latest update
i don't know why that worked since the error message did say something about graphics card.
i got rid of nx5 on the first machine i tried. now i have to try and install nx3 on a computer with nx5 already installed. i...
well the problem is that the customer is using nx3 so we can't upgrade unless the customer upgrades. i have upgraded the drivers to the ug certified drivers and no luck i have upgraded to the latest nvidia drivers and no luck i have upgraded to the dell recomended graphics driver and no luck...
thanks for the replies so far
the computers have
nvidia quadro fx 540 and
nvidia quadro fx350
i know that they are compatible as i have looked on the certification page but when i downloaded the driver from nvidia for the fx 540 it only works on xp 32 not on xp64 even though it states xp 64
my company has recently just upgraded a few of the computers to xp64 and we were using xp professional before hand with nx3 with out any problems however since upgrading windows the following error occurs whenever i start nx 3
graphics window has detected an error and is not able to initialize...