I think simulating that effect realistically isn't that transparent (see gurmeet2003), so I sugested a method which just ignores the deeper intrications, caused in the real manufacturing process.
A layer-, element- or integration-point-wise varying INISTRESS seems more like it (again see...
why not use a fine graded mesh at the surface, varying E-Modulus according to hardness.
Frank Exius
IFE Deutschland
Telefon ++49\2642\980409
Dienstleistung in ANSYS
FEM Berechnung Simulation
Digital/virtual Prototyping
"..affected by defined inelastic material properties.."
ANSYS reduces the stiffness to a factor of 1/100 if
plasticity is present, if I recall ok.
Check with Contact Guide - if this applies only if plasticity is actually present,
or if the sole definition of the plasticity law is...
Hi qwicker,
to get back to your initial question i.e.
'why did the Sparse solver not solve in-core'.
I did check your output1.jpg:
at least at that attempt to run the job
you got less RAM available then required for in-core
(excerpt reported in attachment).
Why your box started out at...
the nodal velocities are available, not displacements
Frank Exius
IFE Deutschland
Telefon ++49\2642\980409
Dienstleistung in ANSYS
FEM Berechnung Simulation
Digital/virtual Prototyping
you get ‘contact derived’ results on both components for symmetric
as this option generates contact faces on both components,
while asymmetric creates them on one components faces only - target faces have no such results available.
Frank Exius
IFE Deutschland
you did specify a non-zero resistivity I assume, as
this is a pre-requisite for calculating currents.
SOLID117 minimum dimension is refered in Element Reference as 1e-6 length units. So really, you should be save with MKS, having a actual lenght of 400e-6 units. But if you want
to change see...
patprimmer puts things quite well. To converse i.e. cooperate appears a major aspect, besides buying in the best deal (best quality/price ratio, not cheapest) integrated by the advice that one should do his work well instead of engaging in non-indicated interference with that what others are...
IFEgermany (Automotive) Jul 23, 2003
refering to car related product failures, the discussion on reasons - speaking with car dealers/mechanics, one is ocasionally told, that in parallel with such failures the products appear as to have invisibly degraded in quality:
i.e. parallel to these...
Hello plasgears,
for aerospace the security aspect has to be at it's highest, but nevertheless, appart from spectacular cases as tires dismanteling etc, the automotive industry delivers well overall. They take care, in that they choose with attitude, suppliers which are to deliver savety...
Hello plasgears,
thanks for the German adressing : )
assuming unsuitable people for suppliers enginnering posts might again be related to cost pressure by OEM - or to greed by supply org leaders, it varies I suppose. If one finds a unsuitable supplier, I do not gather why keep with him, other...
I wanted only to add that I understand very well the frustration of being in a place were the job is done by a supplier and the engineer is basically left to watch - that's not in the proper sense of 'shadow engineering' as mentioned as well in the article. Please take into account that this...
The article appears mainly as being the usual business strong talk. Sure devicencies (on parts and people - oiled guys which create less profitable business then expenses) happen, but these are statistically distributed between OEM and supply partners. As can be red, Chrysler instead plans to...
hello elogesh,
can you indicate e.g. some web link wrt accelerated life
testing (some clear cut info on how it is done)?
wrt multi-axial enabled codes, I'd think also nCode and
probably some other have this capability.
Hello chorus,
clear, sense making, all points you make. I tried only to trow some light on the weight of the experimenters arguments mentioned, because FEA based fatigue evaluation sometime has an area of retroactivity instead of a predictive nature (i.e. confident prediction of life range...
magnificent - Rjeffrey's quote
fundamental, wit, emotional intelligent
molded into one. With giants being a symbol
for people carrying a soul
Frank Exius
IFE Bonn Germany
Telefon ++49\2642\980409
Dienstleistung in ANSYS
FEM Berechnung numerische Simulation
hello chorus,
thanks for additional comments and also for those references. I take what you say as given, i.e. standard specimen S-N data being sufficient to evaluate fatigue at surface locations of arbitrarily shaped parts.
The question came up as some people from testing sustain that you...