I never imagined I would get this many replies on this, its awesome!
Anyway, I think everyone understands the question now. It is strictly a "what if this was the last resort" type thing, I just did not know if it would be possible to pump into the PTH and backfill the system. I had several...
Thanks for the views guys, This scenario would definitley be a last resort if the pump was NOT working, Fireman are taught to pump into FDC's or a 1st floor standpipe outlet if the FDC is missing or inoperable. The FDC should have female couplings and the test header male, so it should be pretty...
I have been questioned about this and have come up with different answers:
In reference to a fire pump test header, if the FDC is unusable outside of the structure can you pump into the test header to fill the standpipe or is there a check valve that prevents this? I know you can use it as an...