It is good to know that I am not the only one who has had trouble with this issue.
I have logged a IR with 3D-Connexion.
Hopefully they will fix this issue soon.
Herb C.
Eifel Mold & Engineering Inc.
Plastics Tooling Designer
UG NX-7.0
Windows 7.0
I have recently upgraded to Windows 7 and NX 7.0
Unfortunatly I have found that the buttons on my space pilot no longer can be programed to execute functions in NX.
Tech support from 3D Connexion can not offer a solution at this time. Has anyone else found a work-around for this problem?
That sounds like a great idea.
I would be interested in seeing the .bat file that you are using to start NX. Are you willing to share?
Herb C.
Eifel Mold & Engineering Inc.
Plastics Tooling Designer
UG NX-6.0
Has anyone else ran across this warning?
What does it mean?
Please see attached jpg.
Herb C.
Eifel Mold & Engineering Inc.
Plastics Tooling Designer
UG NX-6.0
Okay, I have found how to get into sketcher.
However I cannot seem to find the finish sketch icon.
Is there a way to filter assembly constraints so that they would be arranged by the component that they are associated with? For example when applying mating conditions in NX-4 a menu would pop up showing constraints related to each component. As you can see in the attached picture it is...
Most often I have found that the updating occurs when I use the pocket design function from the mold wizard package.
I have created a movie but I can not upload it to
What is with the continuous feature updates after each new operation in NX-6. Is there a way to control when NX updates features in the history tree?