I have an inspection work, for which I inspect the fireproofing network, someone could give me your opinion on what happened here? I ruled out the wind speed is 2m / s so I do not think that was material, the fluid is water at 25 º C normally sometimes the pipe surface temperature reaches 50 º...
But that material will be mandatorius??, why? here I attach a plane, am analyzing a crossing of buried pipeline and have to decide, please recommend to me some reference where to consult for material , i have to chose between API 5L oe ASTM A53 GB
Tanks for ur comments,
They have the same mechanical properties which is the criterion to select
Pipe oleoducte oil: service: diesel, gas90, naphta
Pressure 1000 psi
Temperature : 50 celsius
Length : 7 km
Pipe oleoducte oil: r7. heavy oil
Pressure 1000 psi
Temperature : 50 celsius
Length : 7 km
I found this information, sorry for the traduction
Before a project of a line of pumping to be constructing, how to determine if it is necessary or not to study the transitory phenomena (known normally with the name of "water hammer"?
The first thing that must be done is to calculate the...
Usually do I use this type of pipe support due to the fact that it allows displacement in the horizontal plane,
Which would be the advantages and disadvantages of using this type of support? cause I have 2 cases:
Case 1
Pres: 300 PSI
Temp: 600 F
Pipe ASTM A-106GB
Case 2
Pres: 100 PSI
There exists any code asme? api?, i know that it depends of the situation, but i would like to know when its extremely necessary, if its critic?
Best regards for all,
Yes, thanks for all, API 520 was the solution there is a chart very explicit for pvs !!, but i still have a question, code asme VIII div 1... its only for new vessels? i dont know where i could find that information.
Best regards for all,
I dont know to pressure vessel wich is greater if pressure hydrostatic (Ph= 1.3*Pdesign) (ASME VIII) or set pressure relief device Psv, that pressure must be less than the Ph?
can u help me?
Best regards for all,