i seemed to define the connector wrongly. under Abaqus documentation, it states that
Connector-->Geometry-->Create Wire Feature
Connector-->Section-->Create: Name: connector section name
Connector-->Assignment-->Create: select wires: Section: connector section name
i am using beam...
i am trying to model a connector (join + cardan) to connect a beam and a column, both of beam elements. a tip load will be applied to the other end of the beam so as to create a rotation at the connection between the beam and the column.
i selected the first connector point on the beam...
Task manager showed that it has stopped. I checked .sta and saw that it stopped at a particular timing.
I am using CAE interface. Can I know how to restart from this timing?
Thank you for the fast reply. Cheers.
Hi friends,
I am running a Abaqus Standard simulation for about 1.5 days. When I checked it now, the computer experienced a unexpected shutdown due to power failure. I opened the CAE file and recovered the data. It still shows that the simulation is running but it is actually not running...
Hi all,
I am modeling a RC element subjected to stress and i am interested to determine the deflection of the element. I am using Abaqus Standard with static-general step.
It seems that I have instability issue and I used automatic stablization technique to stabilize the problem. I am...
I have a structure which is made up of part continuum (solid) elements and beam elements. I tried to tie the beam elements to continuum elements by tie - node to surface and coupling (i tried both distributing and kinematic coupling)
There are two static-general step, first a vertical...
Hi all,
I am trying to model a reinforced concrete structure. As the structure is large, our intention is only to model the detail reinforced concrete elements for a small area of interest. For other portion of the structure, our intention is to model the reinforced concrete element by beam...
hi all,
I have a solid 3D part made of concrete. I would need the results of a few points inside the concrete. However, I realised it was not easy to pick them when doing a Set because the nodes are hidden (they are not on the surface. I have 1) partition my model exactly at the points when I...
hi all,
I am trying to simulate a spring that have a moment rotation relationship between 2 nodes in Abaqus/Explict or force perpendicular to the line between the 2 nodes against the vertical displacement.
Can I use beam elements to simulate this behavior instead?
Can anyone please advice...
hi nick,
I am modeling a RC beam-column connection instead. I am using Abaqus Standard. I used CDP for my concrete and beam elements for my reinforcement. The reinforcement is embedded into the concrete element in the interaction module.
As for the load step, I am using static-general but i...
hi rob,
I tried to use the following for my loading steps:
Static General> Automatic Stabilization> Use damping factors from previous general step> Use adaptive stabilization with max. ratio of stabilization to strain energy to strain energy: 0.05
I think this works in solving the diverging...
hi rob, i had the nonlinear geometry on. im trying to work on my boundary conditions. not too sure if it will help. i will let u know if i am able to get something. thanks.
Hi Rob,
1) I tried to to use Instance>Merge/Cut but could not comprehend how to do it. Abaqus will prompt you for a new part and after that you will need to select all the instance to be join together. After this, there is only one new instance containing the entire structure. All the other...
Hi guys, thank you for the posts. I am going to post my input file if it can help you to understand better what I am modeling.
Hi Corus,
I was thinking over your suggestion. I think symmetry might be difficult because of my loading. As for 2d plane stress model, I am not really sure how to...
i have attached an image of my boundary conditions in pdf. however, i have solve the problem of overconstraint. Abaqus standard will not allow embedded nodes to be tied by surface-based tie. my reinforcement are embedded elements within the concrete structure and my concrete structures are...
hi, i am using Abaqus standard to model a reinforced beam-column connection subjected to a tip load at the end of the beam.
i first applied a gravity load followed by a tip load at the end of the beam. halfway through the application of the tip load, abaqus standard stop and give 2 errors...