Hi, I´m performing a Electric simulation in Ansys Workbench and I have problems with substrate (which suppose to be an insulating material), but it seems like perfect conductor. I have checked eng.data and I think that I have correct connections.
Please, can anyone help?
Hi, I´ve some problem with defining Young´s modul for classic solder (SnPb)...I´ve found that it should be about 30GPa, but in all APDL files which is dealing with this problem I´ve found about 60000...
Please can somebody help?Thanks a lot!
Hi, I´ve been trying a thermal electric simulations. I´ve started with just thermal problems, using PLANE55,but when I´ve started with plane 67,results have changed. Temperature of the body linearly rised, instead of gradually. Hope it´s understandable. Can someone help?