Hi !
I am using FEMAP 10.3.1 and would like to create superelements. Could anyone please explain or share useful links of how to create these elements.
Dear Mr.Molero
I made all from the start:
1) delete mesh and also projected imprint area ( for load definition)
2) remesh
3)New imprint for definition of loaded area
- geometry - curve-line-rectangle
-geometry-curve-from surface -project
4)model -load-on surface
- then I selected...
Hi !
Now I have new problem with this same plate. I did like BlasMolero advised and it worked well but then I decided to delete this loaded area of 200 x 200 and redefine it in another location on the plate. I did all the steps again: projected rectangle area to plate surface, used it to define...
I am newbie with FEMAP 10 and I have a simple problem. I have simple plate 1000 x 1000 mm and I wish to add pressure on area (200 x 200 mm) locating middle of the plate. How can I do that ?
Hi !
I have problem with property. Part made with structural member has its own "Length" property. When i make part using protrusion and later bind dimension with self-made property(also "Lenght"). Now when i want both parts Length in BOM i must make 2 columns, but i want them displayed in one...
One more thought...
Renaming assembly that contains virtual components would be better option if it would only work. Now, I used Save AS option because renaming assembly with SW explorer did not fully work(in renamed assembly virtual components changed to out of context).
Is this means that...
Hi drawoh!
When exactly you rename in-context parts during assembly file renaming, within Save As in "Save As with references" dialog box or some other way?
Thanks CorBlimeyLimey !
I renamed assembly to old name and this warning
(This part has features defined in the context of another assembly <assy2.sldasm>. You can edit the part, but cannot create external references to the components of the current assembly. I added picture from this...
In previous message I mentioned that I used SW Explorer, I know that files must be renamed with this. Nevertheless in some reason external references remained out of update when I renamed my assembly. Why? and how to fix this so that references that are "out of context" would change to "in-context"?
Now an interesting message appeared when I tried to edit Part in-context. SW says :This part has features defined in the context of another assembly <assy2.sldasm>. You can edit the part, but cannot create external references to the components of the current assembly. I added picture from this...
I apologize when following problem explanation is confusing, it is apparently because i am confused.
I made assembly using top - down design, all parts are made in-context. Problems begun when I renamed assembly file, suddenly errors appeared. Each part external references are marked as...
Sorry for the confusing explanation.
Previously i tried to make a weldmet structural member on a simple plate(using layout sketch), finally i made structural member with following steps:
In layout sketch i draw line->made block from it->part from block->Open Part->explode block->structural member.
Hi everybody!
Few days ago i started using layout sketches, so i am yet discovering its possibilities.
I made a simple layout sketch with rectangle(for plate) and few lines (for stiffener profiles) within it. Then i made Part from rectangle block, Next i made a block from single line, then...
Here is my problem. I want to link selected dimension(s) (detail maximum dimensions) of detail with BOM. If i modify dimension(s) in part environment then dimension(s) in BOM would change also.
user of SW 2009
And about using planes in assembly...
I use them to mate parts with assembly main planes because this way parts do not depend of each other. This helps me when i delete, suppress or replace parts, because i do not have to fix any insured mate. Yes, it is extra work but saves time later. I use...
I tried to mirror component in assembly unfortunately mirrored component stays a float. Does anyone knows how is possible maintain relations for it within mirroring action?
Thanks !