Can anyone tell me the difference between the Design Moments (Top/Bottom) and the Maximum/Minimum Moments.
When looking at the analysis results tables I realized that the maximum/minimum moments (from the strip forces table) is about 35%-50% less than the design moments (from the flexural...
Did you try drawing a null slab area (on the part of the slab with the lateral load) and adding a pressure instead of a line load?
It sounds like what you did was to put the load on the wall and if the load does not transfer to the slab then it would not affect the slab.
I have encountered some sort of a bug in SAFE where it is deleting my design strips when I run the model. I have my design strips spaced at 1 meter in both directions on the slab. I am using SAFE Version 12.3.0.
It is only 3 design strips that keep getting deleted. It is the same 3...