In thread559-118542 Stoker proposed a macro to simply toggle between metric (2 decimal place) & imperial (3 decimal place) dimensions. This macro has helped me enormously but doesn't do everything I would like it to do.
We predominantly use metric dimensions and unless otherwise stated on the...
I've tried using Control+Q but without result. Even if it did restore the vanished parts after zooming-in (graphics card issue?) I don't believe it would have helped with the printing and creation of the PDF.
I'm using SWX2005 sp0.1. I have created an exploded view of an assembly. When I add this exploded view in shaded mode to a drawing weird things happen.
1. Zooming into the exploded view makes some of the components disappear. Zooming out brings them back.
2. When I create a hard copy of the...
I'm using SWX2004 sp3. At the bottom of the "Color & Optics" dialogue box the optical properties area only has sliders for each of the 6 settings (transparancy, ambience, diffusion, specularity, shininess, emissivity). I can see no associated numerical values. Is there a setting...
I want to match the exact colour of part A to part B. I first open part A and add its colour to new colour swatch. Next, I open part part B and apply the colour just added to the swatch. When I compare the numeric values for the RGB and HSV settings, both parts, as expected, are equal - however...
Sorry for the delay in responding but I don't work Mondays. I'm runing 2004 sp2.1. Creation of PDFs is always okay, occasionally I have seen e-drawings saving in black & white (size dependent?)
From memory when I last successfully created a coloured JPEG I think I was using SWX 2003.
I am trying to create a JPEG from a Soldiworks drawing which has shaded/coloured views. When I open the JPEG it is in monochrome and has poor resolution.
From previous experience of creating PDFs, I have discovered that the option for print colour within the page set-up dialogue should be set to...
When I added an alternative position view to one of the 4 shaded views in my drawing the line font for all visible edges in all of the views changed from solid to phantom. This change occurs both on the screen and on a hard copy of the drawing. Hiding the alternative view restores the visible...
With SolidWorks 2004 (standard) you can now animate exploded views. However, for it to appear realistic the order in which the parts are exploded needs to be correct. If a mistake is made, is it possible to retrospectively re-order the explode steps? I have tried moving the explode steps within...
I am currently evaluating SWX2004 and am having problems with explode line sketches. In the assembly file I create an exploded view and then apply explode lines. When the exploded view is then inserted into a drawing file the explode lines dissappear when the view type is shaded. They can be...
My only exposure to Macros has been assigning simple macros to tool bar buttons. It was important to save the macro in a folder in the same folder as Solidworks.exe. If you didn't then the Macro wouldn't run.
The Tick
-no surfaces, only solids but some are complex
-removal of these makes no difference
-yes, managed ok on a really simple one level assembly
-haven't tried on another PC yet
-have notified VAR of problem
-Windows 2000
-1.5GB RAM
-nVidia QuadroFX 1000 (128MB)
I have a complex assembly which I want to save in a simplified format. I have tried saving the assembly as a multibody soildworks part (all components option). I can successfully save the part and as expected the file size is a fraction of the original assembly. However when I subsequently open...
Thanks for your reply. Before I can answer your question can you explain what you understand the term "peer to peer" to mean.
The situation we have here is that user#1 is working locally and user#2 is accessing (reading/writing) information from user#1's PC. Because user#1 is...
We are a small company & have two seats of SWX 2003. Until recently both PCs were of identical specification, (P3, 1GHz, 512MBRAM, NT4). Both PCs were connected to the companywide network with a connection speed of 100MB/s. CAD data however was not saved on the company server but on one of the...
SWHITEY's question of April 1st regarding hardware spec for large assemblies is quite topical. I use SWX2003 sp3 and the assembly I am currently "struggling" with has only 613 parts, approx a tenth SWHITEY's assemblies.
The machine I'm using is only a P3 running at 1000GHz with 512MB...
The company I work for manufactures long cylindrical products. Typically the ratio of length to diameter is such that plotting to standard sheet sizes can be unsatisfactory. I have experimented with the broken view feature but this cannot be used in conjunction with shaded views (at least not in...