Thank you Tata,
The probleme in France we use NSO and Isymost, my role is to autmatise the calculation of pipeline in subsea, I should use Isymost by using inp from abaqus, I've to develop this macro whitin Excel and also integrate ASME rules in Isymost.
I'm thinking to develop this macro and...
Yes I know, In fact I want to transfer .inp file from Abaqus to Isymost (structure analysis) in addition I want to respect ASME rules.
Thank you in advance
at this moment I want to develop a program with Excel and visual basic macro, to link input file .inp from abaqus to Isymost(stress analysis)respecting ASME 31B.8
Thank you in advance
It's interested what you do but I don't know, sorry I don't know, at this moment I want to develop a program with Excel and visual basic macro, to link input file .inp from abaqus to Isymost.
Thank you in advance