Does anyone know how to link the drafting sheet name to an automatic text? For an example: how would I take the name that is applied to sheet 2(Sub-Assembly) and link it into my title block without having to Manually enter the name of my current sheet?
Ok thanks John. I wasn't sure if I had to manually assign an attribute or if it would call it out when uising the Assign Materials feature. Again thanks a ton.
Is there a way to associate the material given by the Tools->Material Properties to the parts list? I.e. AISI_Steel_1005 instead of having to use the attributes?
Is there a way to link Auto text with the sheet name variable? I.E. sheet 1 is named Assembly, sheet 2 is named Misc. Parts. And to have those sheet names appear in the title block instead of going through component properties or renaming the entire part?
How is it that I can turn the logo we use into an image file instead of just a sketch that was made? I am using NX 7.5.1 and am just trying to set up some drafting templates.
I have tried all of that. It does help, but what I want to to is link my title block to my sheet name, not the part name.
An example would be that Sheet 3 is named Assembly. How can I link the text to update to the sheet instead of just making a property to link it to?
I am currently trying to make up a template so that the sheets while drafting automatically update themselves with all of the necessary text. Is there a way to link the sheet name to the title block? I have read through the automatic text instructions but can't seem to find something that would...