The OP mentions current limiting. Is it possible that the current limit is set too low or can be adjusted? Will the voltage have to most bearing on speed rather than current?
Do you think due to the lack of full torque on some other drives, we would see a reduction in spindle acceleration? We commonly accel from 0-7500 50x/hour.
It is kind of looking like sensorless might work. I also have to consider tapping performance where a tap will dive into a work piece...
The machine does have does have a gear box. I just recently worked some numbers to figure out what is going on.
hi range is .8:1 over driven so max speed at motor is 202hz, and max spindle is 7500.
Low range is 3.36:1 so 202hz is 1800 max at the spindle.
That puts us at 100rpm at the...
Guys, after some research and links in this thread, it looks like the main difference in sensorless and vector other than actual speed regulation which is not as important for my application, is the low rpm torque. It looks like VERY few drives can really achieve full torque at near 0 speed. I...
The machine will do rigid tapping regardless because it already has a 1000 line encoder on the spindle for feedback to the control. It basically commands a spindle speed, then follows along precisely with axis motion to match. Works pretty well even with the old drive.
In talking with some mfgrs of drive systems, all apps engineers are recommending true encoder feedback direct from the motor. The actual acceleration of a load might be better with an encoder simple because of the instant full torque at 0 hz in which a sensorless would not develop full torque...
Basically I have a machine that has an open loop or v/hz type spindle drive. Has been installed for many years but just not happy with the performance. The drive just cannot respond to all the varying loads and bogs easily.
I have decided to install a difference drive with a feedback...