I've given up on the 17-22A or AS, and AMS 6302,
there is no 3/8 plate available anywhere,
I am taking salmon2's advice and looking for Timkem product,
Thanks for all the inoputs to date
Modern VFDs are the way to go for this app,
go to Ebay and do a search for 5 hp VFD, if it has a single phase in, buy two, one for each motor. Comparatively speaking, they give the most bang for your buck, a diesel will just be a pain in the butt.
you could probably get a 4 hp to work with a...
thanks for the reference of 17-22,
everyone shows this alloy, no one carries it
got in touch with Timkem,
not only do they not have any, they are on allocation until September,(only taking care of existing commitments), no recent records of any shipments to distribution
I will look for the...
called Steelforge, they indicated they have never carried this alloy, Tech Steels recognized the number, has no stock but will look. Apparently this is a common item in Europe, not so much US.
I an trying to support the brakes on a former German jet fighter,a french company made the...
I will check this out, much appreciated. I hope I don't have to buy 20K pounds for starters
The previous posts on this issue were also very helpful. I am trying to duplicate brake rotors for a military jet with brakes
made in Europe, and can't get any support (let alone a phone...
Heloman29, I have been trying to track down information of processing of brake rotors, I noticed on you post that you were using 17-22.
I have been trying in vain to find a supplier of this material or its equivalent, I need stock 3/8 inch thick, any clues would be appreciated