I am very new to KF. I would like to create rule in KF in such a way that some action should be done in the geometry when rule is not passed.
For Example: if parameter X>10 then Length of block should be changed to 100. If x<10 then i need to display an informative window in NX session...
Hello John,
Still i am struggling to get the difference between the Feature groups.Could you please help me.
is it due to difference in settings?
Thanks in advance
have a nice day
I am using NX
I could activate or deactivate the Feature groups that are provided in Start up file. But this is not possible for the feature groups created by me.
Please help me John
have a nice day
Thanks in Advance
Even if i add some features to it and do some operations, there is no change in the icon.
if i right click on the old feature group i am getting the command named "Make this group active" along with some general commands. I am not getting this with the New feature group created by me...
I have a UG startup file in which there are some feature Groups. In that start up file i have created a new "Feature Group". But the Feature Group created by me having different icon as shown in the attached image.What could be the possible reason for this difference.
Please help me...
Excel 2003,
In one of my collegue's system(having the same configuartion) it is working fine.Could not identify the problem in my system.
Thanks in Advance
I am getting a problem while working with Spreadsheets. A speadsheet is opening when we click Tools-->Spreadsheet. But in Spreadsheet, if i click on tools-->Extract Expr, i am getting error. Even i could not create part families also because of this problem.
Could you please suggest a...