Thank you.
Yes the return bends are 180 deg.
But i need to know, after welding do the joints need stress relieving as the code is not giving it a mandatory requirement.
Usually the leaks are observed on the return bend joints, but mostly due to corrosion & not cracks. This is what the...
Usually the WPS made is considering the piping design. So is there any specific WPS for welding of tubes or do we apply the same rules for tubes as we do in for pipes?
We have a waste heat boiler in our plant. The economizer tubes are heavily leaking & boiler needs shut down for the same reason.
We are suspecting leak at the joints but it could also be in the tube itself
There are two questions -
1) Economizer tubes are CS A192 while there are u bends which...
Dear experts,
one of our underground utility air line (SA 53) was leaked & the patch replacement was done. now the earlier line had Ca2SiO4 wrapped with some black plastic on it. but as per specs for underground piping, it says
primer PE; wrapping PE & mastic coating bitumastic 50
which one...
Thank you for the information.
The practise here is we apply cooling steam hose at the hot spots/stingers & it is kept until next outage of the equipment where the necessary actions are taken to repair the refractory.
All temperatures mentioned above are for CS plates/casings of furnaces with...
Dear Experts,
What is the temperature beyond which CS starts changing its properties?
We consider hotspot temperature to be 300 degC for CS plates/casings of furnace & in some cases its 170 degC.
Can we increase this temp range of hotspots.
Is thichness a consideration for CS plates when...
We have a neutralisation basin which supplies fresh caustic (20% conc.) to gas scrubber & the return line comes to basin. Now within one year the return pipeline failed 3 times at different locations near to basin & the failure was not on the joints but in pipe itself. Failure is in form of...