Any suggestions regarding industrial pump manufacturers for 3,412 cu.ft/day of water to be pumped 10' in height.
Is the pump design based on pumping once every hour?
How would I size the oil-grit separator?
The total volume to be stored in the holding tank area is 13,369 cu.ft. From uphill, there are 2 bio-retention basins that, when combined, are a 10,700' area; and the outflow pipe is located 2' above the bottom of the basins. So therefore, there is...
For reuse as greywater routed back to the proposed office building. I am unclear on the technical design of the stormwater holding tank. I have calculated the stormwater runoff volumes, and need some guidance on sizing of the holding tank.
what is the best approach to designing a stormwater holding tank below a proposed parking lot for a proposed office building in nj? in other words, what are the steps to take in designing the stormwater holding tank... and where in the nj design codes can this info be found?