Yes, I believe back when NX7 came to existence “they” decided that when you split a body the two pieces should remain together until you remove parameters. That’s when I first made my macro. Needed to update it every time an update happened because that’s how macros go. Can't do it now.
It is very simple. Where I work, we really don’t use parameters or sketcher, just hack and wack. We have always had a macro that would initiate the Split Body command, then it would allow us to select and split the body. Then we would hit OK then it would go right into Remove Parameters, we...
Working on version 1969. I have just graduated from NX11 and was recreating my favorite macro that I have had to do a few times in the past.
Every time I play it back it errors out at a line with "USER_ENTRY_PROMPT -2 2 1". When I read it back I cannot figure out what I did to get that...
In the Customer Defaults when we were on NX9, there used to be a setting where I could have a layer turned off and if I selected an object in the Assembly Navigator that had that layer turned off it would not come back on. I haven't been able to find it since we went to NX11. Does it still...
Thanks! I think my Customize may look different than yours but you got me in the right direction (file enclosed).
They had changed their setting to Graphics Window instead of NX Window. Probably experimenting with the new format.
again, thanks for all of your...
Yes I searched the forum prior to posting. Usually I find answers to all my questions but I haven't found one to this one yet. But from what I have read about other similar issues, it sounds like I may need to access the registry file. Just was hoping for an easier alternative.
We recently upgraded to NX9 and have been getting used to the Ribbon Bars. Unfortunately a few users have come across the following problem.
Somehow their side bars and Assembly Navigators are now going from top to bottom, which in turn shortens the Ribbon Bar.
Is there a setting that can...
Ideally it would be nice to lock it to Entire Assembly.
It matters to us as we move solids to a component in the course of modeling. And then we need to flip the Selection Scope to Entire Part.
We are probably a little grumpier here than where you are at. LOL!
Thanks for your help Jerry but it didn’t work.
I have a feeling it is something we are stuck with. We have been dealing with it for a couple of years but like I said sometimes it really wears on you.
NX on Windows 7
Manufacturing Design
On the Selection Bar, is there a way where you could lock the Selection Scope to Entire Assembly, so it wouldn't automatically go to Within Work Part?
In our group, to a person, we find the automatically changing of the Selection Scope to Within Work Part very annoying as we are constantly...
I have configured my Assembly Navigator columns for a specific project in order to export to a spreadsheet, attributes to a BOM sheet. This isn’t the way I usually like to see my Assembly Navigator set-up and was wondering if I can save those column setting for later use and also to share with...
When he brings them into his model he doesn't see them, he can see them in his Assembly Navigator tree and either click on it from there to make it visible or do a Show All. He has been living with it but today it's bothering him because he is bringing in dozens of screws and other components...
We have a gentleman here who has had a problem bringing in components to his model and they are brought in on the "Hide" side.
It can be a new component to the model or an existing component in the model. It behaves the same either way. He says this has been an ongoing problem for months and...
I really hate to see the "Primitives" go away. For what we do in our business they are the quickest way to model. I guess this old dog has some new tricks to learn.
Thanks for your help
Thanks for your speedy response. I have enclosed a couple of screen shots. Apparently the computer in our conference room still makes a block the way we are used to here as seen in the before.jpg. The after.jpg is how it is now. You can see in the before that the origin has already...
I am currently using NX
We recently were updated to this level and ever since when creating a block using the “Insert-Design Feature-Block” command, we are now forced into specifying a point location or coordinate for the block to go whereas prior to the update the newly created block...