In this case only the purity of oxygen is of any interest. The purity of Nitrogen doesn`t matter. The unpurities in the Oxygen fraction is due to Argon. Argon itself is not separated. Both, Oxygen and Nitrogen are received in gaseous form, e.g. is expected to be quite small.
Can someone give me a rough estimation fot the investment costs of cryogenic air separation plant. Mass specific value (US$/kg air) would be helpfull. Demanded oxygen purity is about 97 per cent molar and the air mass flowrate is about 40 000 tons per day.
I guess I am working on the same problem - CO2 liquification/ capture from power stations.
Did you find already a solution? I guess you will get problems with the CO2 also being solved in TEG. May be it is possible to work with silica gel, molecular sieves etc?