thank you first of all for the answer.
So now my problem is: where do I read the initial length of the connector?
in my case connectors connects points to the ground..
Dear All,
I'd like to ask you a question about springs elements in abaqus.
I have some springs with a certain stiffness.
I'd like the springs to stop working after they reach a specific translation, after which the springs should...."disappear" leaving the translation totally free.
I have tried...
good evening...
I have the same problem:I need to copy an assembly of 3 parts (with all the constraints it contains) several times.
I tried to do what i read here.
When I right click on part/import a window appears reporting the names of the 3 parts of the assembly and the word "ASSEMBLY".
if I...
good afternoon,
I'm starting a new thread because Mr Abaqus/CAE is really driving me mad!
I need to insert a connector between 2 parts in an assembly, one rigid body constrained and one deformable.
As an example I've inserted a BEAM connector, just to be sure i have understood how to insert...
hey! have you solved the problem?
I have the same problem...connectors from a point to ground work.
I cannot understand why any connector between 2 points of 2 different part don't work..
any suggestion?
dear all,
first of all i'd like to thank you for the answers!
I've tried to do 2 things but I still have problems...:
1) I've tried to modify the linear spring directly from the INP file, inserting a non linear behaviour but it does not work. Maybe I wrote the non linear behaviour in the INP...
good evening,
i'm an Italian engineer and this is my first time working with Abaqus. My question is the following:
I've inserted a torsional spring between two points in my model.
It seems to be working. The problem is that I'd like the spring to have a maximum rotation value after which it...