- May 14, 2002
- 117
Orimulsion is a bitumen in water emulsion (28% water) with very low Cl content and no F content. S content is 2.8%
Flue gases pass through an ESP and then throuh a FGD which utilizes lime as sorbent. Raw water used for lime milk preparation is low Cl (<5 ppm). Sulphite cake is discharged at 70% humidity.
Downstream the FGD system there is a stack made out of carbon steel and lined with a 1/8" width stainless steel (316L).
Gases are saturated at 62oC. There is the possibility of re-heating gases by means of injecting a hot gases stream from an HFO (1%S) at 400oC, so that flue gases reach 80oC.
The stack is non-insulated
My questions are:
- what is the corrosion rate of the wall paper with or without the re-heating?
- Am I correct when I consider that no re-heating would be safer than re-heating? I assumed that the acid film on the wall paper would be more diluted and self cleaning of inner surfaces would be more effetive without the re-heating.
- is there any special care to be taken concerning corrosion monitoring
- what would be the effect on visible plume at the top of the stack?
Figener S/A