- Apr 7, 2008
- 1,161
We had an interesting series of events happen when one of our motor starters failed that has left me scratching my head. I wanted to see what others thought of these events and see if they had any input.
This morning we lost power to the plant when the main utility circuit switcher opened. Upon investigating loads in the plant we came to realize that we had a fault on a 4.16kV starter when trying to start a 1500hp motor.
The contactor used to start this motor is a 4.16kV Siemens vaccum contactor used in their 8100 series switchgear. After pulling the starter out we found that the fault was signifiganct enough to blow apart both of the vaccum contactor bottles on tha A & B phases of the contactor. Both of the R type motor fuses on the contactor were also blown on the A & B phases as well.
After going to our main switchgear lineup we found that we had an 87 differential trip on the differential relay protecting the cable betwwen the utility transformer and main switchgear lineup. I am puzzled as to why a fault downstream of the main swtichgear lineup would cause a differential trip on a zone which was upstream?
After isolating the faulted starter we restored power to the plant. Going back to the starter and motor we found that the source of the fault appeared to be powerfactor capacitors that were located on the load side of the motor contactor. The cap bank had two 200kVar caps in parallel and had the A&C phases blown on each cap. After isolating the cap it appeared that the cap was shorted as well.
So in trying to piece this all together I am trying to answer a couple of questions.
1) If there was indeed a short caused by the cap bank why would the contactor bottles explode? Shouldn't the R fuses have blown and protected damgage to any equipment? These fuses did indeed blow as well so if they blew i'm thinking they blew as a result of the arcing falult caused when the bottles blew
2) Why would this fault on a bus downstream of the main bus cause a differential relay to pickup on an upstream zone?